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Monday, February 13, 2017


A pronoun replaces a thing.

Case story:

Mary is one of the leaders of the ToJi Corporation. Mary works with Mr. James and Mr. James' child Tom. Mr. James and Mr. James' child Tom are specialists in organic chemistry. Mary, Mr. James, and Tom investigated and imagined a medication for disease treatment.

On the off chance that the story above is composed utilizing pronouns:

Mary is one of the leaders of the ToJi Corporation. She works with Mr. James and his child Tom. He and his child Tom are specialists in natural chemistry. They looked into and created a medication for tumor treatment.

Individual Pronouns 

Individual pronouns allude to a man:

1-I go to class.

2-You are an understudy.

3-They are Koreans.

4-He works here.

5-We gave her sustenance.

"It" alludes to a question:

1-I drank it.

2-It is huge.

3-They cut it into equal parts.

Retain the individual pronouns:

First Second Third  
Male Female Neutral  
Singular Subject I you he she it
Singular Object me you him her it
Singular Reflexive myself yourself himself herself itself
Plural Subject we you they
Plural Object us you them
Plural Reflexive ourselves yourselves themselves


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